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Latest newsletter from Marbles Reunited Campaign

The latest newsletter from the Marbles Reunited campaign in the UK is now available to download.

You can download is from therir website here. There is also an archive of previous newsletters here.


Dimitrios Pantermalis, the director of the New Acropolis Museum talks about the building

Dimitrios Pantermalis gave a talk at the National Gallery of Art in Washington on the New Acropolis Museum.

The New Acropolis Museum: A Conversation with Dimitrios Pandermalis


New video about the Parthenon Marbles from the American Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures

The American Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures have created a video about their campaign for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures called All sides of the Parthenon.

You can view the video online here.


Award for best worldwide tourism project in 2010 goes to the New Acropolis Museum

The New Acropolis Museum has been awarded Best Worldwide Tourism project for 2010 by the British Guild of Travel Writers.

New Acropolis Museum wins prestigious award

8 Nov 2010

The New Acropolis Museum in Athens has won the     ‘ (BGTW) prestigious global award for the Best Worldwide Tourism Project for 2010.


Callimachus victory Monument goes on display in New Acropolis Museum

After a lengthy reconstruction process, a newly restored monument to the victory of Callimachus has gone on display in the New Acropolis Museum.

Nike Monument unveiled at new Acropolis Museum




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